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commission art


The process of having a commission made is one of my favourite experiences as an artist.  Most of the commissioned art I make are portraits.


I am going to try and outline the typical commission process here. If you're interested in the commission process or considering if its the right fit for you please read this information.


In order to begin a commission, I like to work from a photo or several photos. They don't need to be photos you've taken, internet images or screen grabs work well too. I need them for colour and composition reference throughout the painting process. 

Painting each piece can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months, it just depends on the size and complexity of the painting. It is also important to allow time for shipping in the overall timeline. I will also provide progress pictures for those who don't want to be surprised.


Things to remember: it's important to talk about expectations up front. Having a custom painting made is more expensive than buying something I have already created. The cost covers the time taken to create the piece, but also the countless hours of designing, sketching, colour correcting and paint mixing that happens.


These paintings are created by hand so they aren't going to be flawless, I do take pride in my work and intend to create the most beautiful pieces that hopefully become family heirlooms. 


Example of the cost of a portrait painting: 

 50x40cm on canvas 400-600€ +shipping

Here a  few pictures of reference photos and the final portrait paintings.

kesämies kuva.jpg
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